This time around we are doing things a lil’ bit different,
we have decided to post some articles in English. So, without any delay we are
proud to present an interview with Emily, Marcus and Matt of UP AND ATOM a female
fronted Pop Punk band from Melbourne, Australia.
This year’s been really good! We went to Southeast Asia; we toured Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. That really opened up our eyes to the growing punk scene in Asia. We made a lot of friends and learned a lot about the Indonesian culture especially. We also released two EPs this year, the self-titled and Growing Pains. We’ve played a lot of cool shows this year; we went on a road-trip to another state last month as well!
What is Up and Atom up to these days?
We just released our 2nd EP “Growing Pains” last month, and we’re planning our next international tour for next year and it’s going to be huge!
Almost every band has a cool story behind their name, what’s yours?
We were trying to come up with a band name a long time ago, and we found some catchphrases online, and one of those was from The Simpsons which we thought was funny.
Two note perfect EPs – Up and Atom EP and Growing Pains. And a tour of the South –East Asia, what does the band plan on conquering next.
We want to tour more internationally, especially less economically-developed countries. Many larger bands don’t bother to play in some of these places, because they don’t make money from touring there. We just want to share our music and experience different cultures.
Let’s talk about the latest EP Growing Pains a bit. First the CD cover, we totally loved it. Who did the artwork?
A dude named Jason Lubrano from the band Iron Chic. He does really cool designs with his own company called Righteous Indignation.
As it is mentioned on your site ‘Hand-stamped CD in screen-printed, environmentally friendly recycled cardboard sleeve.’ Would you be continuing this DIY tradition on further releases and gig posters?
Of course! We really believe in the DIY ethic, and we think it’s important to do things yourself when you’re in a band, rather than paying someone to do something that you can do on your own. When you do things DIY it gives your stuff a personal touch. The DIY scene that we saw all around Southeast Asia really inspired us to continue the ethics back home.
Now about the lyrical contents, who is the mastermind behind those lyrics?
Normally either Matt or Marcus writes the lyrics. Most of the time, we will start with an idea and share it with each other and build on it until we have a full song. We try to write lyrics that are personal to us and convey how we feel about the issues we face in our lives.
Would you like to take us through each song from the EP
This song is about people who say one thing and do another – those people who will pretend to be your friend and then stab you in the back.
This one is about our Southeast Asia tour. We learned a lot and had more fun than we’ve ever had, and we wrote a song about how we miss it!
“Day to Day”
This song is about how we are born in a world focused on money and how easy it is to fall into a routine of just working without enjoying your life.
“Feel Good Song of a Disappointing Year”
This one’s about how friendships can sometimes fall apart over time, but when they end there is still baggage left over.
Apart from the passion of creating the same kind of music, what keeps the band together?
Food. Malaysian food, Indonesian food, Chinese food, Indian food, pizza – we just love food! We like hanging out together; when we’re not playing shows or writing/practicing we’re either having dinner, going bowling or watching movies.
Thanks for the insight. Best wishes from This Time Easy Core Family.
Thanks for the support guys!
It’s also available from these
distros in Asia:
Malaysia - The Ricecooker
Indonesia- StoneAge Records
Indonesia - Linoleum Shop
Indonesia- StoneAge Records
Indonesia - Linoleum Shop
- Straits Records
Japan - Romantic Nobita Records
Japan - Romantic Nobita Records