
Summerlin Interview

Summerlin formed in late 2008, when members of various Yorkshire bands began looking for something musically different, and gravitated toward classic pop-punk like Blink-182, New Found Glory and the Offspring. The band began writing material with a sound that combined pop-punk with the harder elements they also loved. The early growing pains and lineup changes ensued, but by summer 2009 the band unveiled an EP, So Make Your Move. Early tours began in the U.K. and Europe, climaxing with an appearance at the 2011 Slam Dunk Festival, alongside the likes of Less Than Jake, The Starting Line, Goldfinger, Anti-Flag and Set Your Goals. 

All the while, Summerlin were developing a clearer picture of the band they wanted to become. Lawson took on the role of DIY producer/engineer, tracking all of the group’s early and ongoing demos, and eventually the role became semi-permanent. Rather than risk having an outside party potentially water-down the band’s sonic essence, Lawson opted to self-produce You Can’t Burn Out If You’re Not On Fire. The result is a clear impression of Summerlin’s diverse take on pop-punk and post-hardcore, fusing unforgettable melodies with pulsing breakdowns and shreddy harmonized guitar licks. Not bad considering they tracked in a Yorkshire council house, much to the ire of neighbours.

I recently caught up with vocalist Drew Lawson to talk a little bit about the band and himself.

TTECOld hardcore Summerlin fans such as myself will know that you were known for your bright and shining form of Pop Punk. With your debut album, you have taken on a more "dirty" aggressive for of this. What made you take this change ?

Drew: Maturity.
When we first started we were learning, had no clue to the music we wanted to play, and in some respect hadn't really experienced the nitty gritty side to life. We've always known how to write a good song but when we first started there was a naivety to what we thought song/lyric writing was about.

When we did 'You Can't Burn Out If You're Not On Fire' we were a new band, new members and this created a new dynamic for Summerlin to start and progress into something that was "OUR" sound. I honestly think we only really discovered this when we wrote United Divided which was the last song we had written for that record.

I look at what we've got as a country and, personally, as a working class kid from yorkshire and see a very bleak future. That's pretty much the concept for the next record. Dark, Heavy, Aggressive, Grungy, Punk but trying to portray what we're experiencing at the moment. We will never claim to have the answers in our songs but it wont stop us writing about searching for them.

I do think this next record is gonna shock a few people but I'm looking forward to it. TTEC: And with the release of your debut album, were you at all worried about how the old fans would take it in ?

Drew: Of course you always worry about perception of fans who come and see you, buy your records etc because at the end of the day you wouldn't be able to do it without their support.

However the truth of the matter is the fan base can sniff it out a mile off if you're doing something you're not 100% committed too which will lead to being snubbed by them.

I'd like to think we've matured with our fan base/friends so they can grow up with us, experience the ups and downs, and always move forward. I believe this is what's important.

Don't get me wrong we have lost and gained fans here and there but that could of happened with whatever we released.
It's about moving forward, hoping your fans move with you and also trying to pick up a few more on the way.

TTEC: In a few of the songs on your album, it is quite clear that you have still maintained that sense of pop punk in them. Do you think it was a good choice to do so ?

Drew: That record was still a learning curve so there is still stuff on there that wasn't perfect but I never regret anything we do. I still love great melodies and fast songs so pop punk will always be a part of Summerlin it's just taking a darker more aggressive turn as we get older. kinda like the difference between New Found Glory and Rise Against. Both in the same genre but one hitting it a little heavier.

TTEC: And how will your next record differ from your debut?

Drew: Like I said earlier, it still has the fast paced, good hook vibe of our old songs but it's a little more mature, a little more observant of what's going on around us, and a little more dark and aggressive to set the mood of the current social scene.

It's Heavy As Fuck Punk Rock! TTEC: And before we wrap up, is there anything you can tell us about future plans ?

Drew: We're gonna be hitting up some cool tours soon and we're in the studio as we speak trying to rap up our next E.P release. Except new songs, new videos and loads of tour dates including Hit The Deck Festival this year!
2013 is looking great for Summerlin! So keep an eye out cause you may be shocked! 

Go check out Summerlin on their Facebook and check out their stuff !!!!!!


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