Pretty Little Kennedy Curse is a Pop Punk Band from Baltimore, Maryland, that formed in 2011. Check out the album "The Sound Of Time Running Out" on their
Facebook. I got the pleasure to interview them.
TTEC: How has the feedback been on "the sound of timing running out"?
Better than we could have ever hoped! When we started this band we just wanted to make an album and have fun, so we never expected it when total strangers bought it online and started coming to shows. Since it's release, we've been playing a lot of shows and giving out thousands of demos trying to get the CD out there.
TTEC: Who are some influences?
PLKC:Each member of the band differs wildly when it comes to music we listen to (Our bassist Matt is all about some Pig Destroyer), but as far as writing we look up to bands like Fall Out Boy, Blink 182, New Found Glory, and The Get Up Kids. Which is why it's so awesome when people tell us we remind them of late 90's/early 2000's pop punk.
TTEC: How did you guys come up with the name "Pretty Little Kennedy Curse"?
Our singer Dave is pretty good with words (that's important for a singer, right?), and was determined to have more syllables in our name than anyone we might play with. He came up with it one day and it just rolls off the tongue
TTEC: What is your favorite and least favorite thing about being in a band?
PLKC:Favorite is playing shows. Not. Even. Close. We do this to have fun so we try to make every show into a party. Just lots of friends, good bands, and eventually we get to take the stage and just go nuts. It's a perfect situation.
Our least favorite thing is having to wake up the next morning.
TTEC: Any Music Videos coming up?
We have a few lyric vids in the works. We've been working on filming a video for our song "I'd Take State," but we're still looking for the right person to film it. In case anyone's interested...
TTEC: Anything else you want to share with everyone?
If it's okay, we'd love to plug some of our friends-
Check out: Brokenland Parkway, The Old Line, Split Five, 3PM, Automatic 253, Count to Four, Highest Honor, A Place in Time, and Something More. And if you're looking to record, hit up Buzzlounge studios (