Hooligans is a pop punk/hardcore/rock band from Fort Worth, Texas, that formed in 2012. They just released two new songs off their upcoming ep check it out here:
http://www.facebook.com/#!/hooligansmusic/info. I got the pleasure to interview Josh Barnes, Vocalist of the band.
TTEC: Who are your influences?
Josh: My biggest influences as far as writing music are Thrice, Story of the Year, Four Year Strong, A Wilhelm Scream, New Found Glory, Every Time I Die, & August Burns Red. As far as the rest of the band, influences range from Coheed and Cambria & Alexisonfire to Periphery & As I Lay Dying.
TTEC: What is your favorite and least favorite thing about being in a band?
Josh : I love being in a band because I am an artist. Music is such a wonderful expression of creativity and emotion that I love to share with everyone. The only thing I dislike about being in a band is the grueling search to the edges of the Earth to find like minded musicians to share the experience with. Although, once you do find the right people the reward is something worth fighting for.
TTEC: Are you guys on tour and \if so with who? if not do you have any coming up and with who?
Josh: We are not currently on tour, nor do we have any solid plans lined up for one, but we are playing some shows locally. They will actually be our first shows as Hooligans!
TTEC: Is the ep done and if so can you tell everyone when its going to be released?
Josh: Actually, a self produced 13 track full length, Heroes of Hifi, is completed and is in the process of being mixed by our producer and friend, Cris Hunter Marshall. A release is slated for Spring of 2013.
TTEC: How did you guys form?
Josh:Hooligans! actually started out as just a leisurely writing and recording project between Cameron and myself (Josh), along with another friend, Kyle Cartwright. We wrote the first 4 songs and recorded them all at full production just for fun and decided it was too good not to share with people. Our new passion guided us to fill out the rest of the band and begin taking necessary steps to put a face with the voice of Hooligans! Kenny was playing guitar for another local band that dissolved and, without hesitation, decided to become a Hooligan! Chris initially tried out to play bass, but wound up on guitar. Aaron was an obvious choice for drummer with his many years of experience and metronome like rhythm. And Jason relocated to the Dallas area from San Antonio to fill the bassist slot. Together we are an unstoppable juggernaut headed full speed toward a horizon of limitless opportunities.
TTEC: Anything else you want to share with everyone?
Josh: Certainly. Hooligans! are cohesive team focused on bringing you fun, technical mixtures of pop punk and hardcore. You can always count on our mission to remain the same. We are who we are and we love what we do. Nothing will ever change that. So, tell your friends. Spread the word. Hooligans! have arrived.