Hubungan Tanpa Status - Demo 2008
Demo Track 2008
The band was built in 2007 with the name of the Dead Leaf that carries the flow of melodic punk music. Initially the band consisted Gemma Pratama (guitar), Xogastria Mauldi (guitar, vocals), Ardi Wibowo (ex-bass), Yoga Ardi Saputra (drums), we all have a background that is the same music punk rock. With this initial formation we started struggling to make their own songs that make us the first single Savira and Lagi-lagi Rasa Cinta. But mid-year 2008 AW (ex-bass) resigned for several reasons. The three of us struggled to go on this band until the change takes place and the formation of Xogastria Mauldi trying to fill vacancies on the bass, over time we take Idbani Yusuf to join the band and changed our band name into Hubungan Tanpa Status. We started following the compilation album called TRIBUTE TO PUNK ROCK b! y entering one of our single entitled Savira. Why Hubungan Tanpa Status? Because these songs in Teman Tapi Mesra (Ratu) was popular among the community and inspire us to put the name for our band, but the name was deemed less suitable then we look for synonyms of the word and find a suitable sentence to be our band name. First time I heard and saw the band name you may be surprised or unusual, and we feel it haha! In 2009 with permanent members of the Hubungan Tanpa Status, Gema Pratama a.k.a Tiwox (guitar), Xogastria Mauldi a.k.a Xogas (bass, vocals), Yoga Ardi Saputra a.k.a Iyor (drums) and Idbani Yusuf a.k.a Kuman (guitar, vocals) trying to mature our scores get better, it does not mean before we had good music, but We here just want to develop our musical with more modern music styles such as POP PUNK our singles entitled, Sahabat and Keep My Angry Off. In 2010 we will issue the originality and ideas that are creative in our musical pour into a mini album (EP) in which ! there is some song called, Intro, Sahabat, Keep My Angry Off, ! Respect For Different, and Lembaran Baru (new version).For now, Hubungan Tanpa Status changes the formation. Xogas focuses on the vocals and the bass filled in by Tito, but that wasn't last long because Tito continues his studies in Surabaya. While we were puzzled to find a replacement, be glad M Dicky Hermawan willing to fill the void on bass and seriously lived together with Hubungan Tanpa Status for the future.
Official Site :
The band was built in 2007 with the name of the Dead Leaf that carries the flow of melodic punk music. Initially the band consisted Gemma Pratama (guitar), Xogastria Mauldi (guitar, vocals), Ardi Wibowo (ex-bass), Yoga Ardi Saputra (drums), we all have a background that is the same music punk rock. With this initial formation we started struggling to make their own songs that make us the first single Savira and Lagi-lagi Rasa Cinta. But mid-year 2008 AW (ex-bass) resigned for several reasons. The three of us struggled to go on this band until the change takes place and the formation of Xogastria Mauldi trying to fill vacancies on the bass, over time we take Idbani Yusuf to join the band and changed our band name into Hubungan Tanpa Status. We started following the compilation album called TRIBUTE TO PUNK ROCK b! y entering one of our single entitled Savira. Why Hubungan Tanpa Status? Because these songs in Teman Tapi Mesra (Ratu) was popular among the community and inspire us to put the name for our band, but the name was deemed less suitable then we look for synonyms of the word and find a suitable sentence to be our band name. First time I heard and saw the band name you may be surprised or unusual, and we feel it haha! In 2009 with permanent members of the Hubungan Tanpa Status, Gema Pratama a.k.a Tiwox (guitar), Xogastria Mauldi a.k.a Xogas (bass, vocals), Yoga Ardi Saputra a.k.a Iyor (drums) and Idbani Yusuf a.k.a Kuman (guitar, vocals) trying to mature our scores get better, it does not mean before we had good music, but We here just want to develop our musical with more modern music styles such as POP PUNK our singles entitled, Sahabat and Keep My Angry Off. In 2010 we will issue the originality and ideas that are creative in our musical pour into a mini album (EP) in which ! there is some song called, Intro, Sahabat, Keep My Angry Off, ! Respect For Different, and Lembaran Baru (new version).For now, Hubungan Tanpa Status changes the formation. Xogas focuses on the vocals and the bass filled in by Tito, but that wasn't last long because Tito continues his studies in Surabaya. While we were puzzled to find a replacement, be glad M Dicky Hermawan willing to fill the void on bass and seriously lived together with Hubungan Tanpa Status for the future.
Official Site :